
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Start-up Ecosystems


As anyone who has read this blog (all 3 of you) know, I love ( more in the Storgian, as opposed to Erotic sense) infographics. It is an outgrowth of a background in Bioinformatics and a general appreciation of good graphic design. So what? All of this is just a haphazard way to introduce another nice infographic that I found the other day.

While I very much like the presentation found here, I take issue with the lack of attorney representation. Of all the people that Start-up founders love to hate, lawyers and especially IP attorneys, are in contention for the top spot.  This is in part due to a justifiable apprehension of the dreaded "Cease and Deist" letter.  However, I think it is also due to a lack of understanding about IP in general. I once spoke to a founder who told me "I don't want to deal with patents because it is too hard to know what's out there and who owns it".

While this may have been true a decade ago, the internet has vastly lowered the cost of entry into the Patent Searching game. Simple patent searches are key to a Founders due diligence. Anyone who wants to get cash from a venture capital firm should know before hand how to answer the question "does this infringe someone else's IP". It is essential to know the space you are working in, not only to know who your challengers are, but also who your investors might be. A patent search can let you find companies and individuals that are operating in the space.  Armed with this knowledge, you can track down investors who understand your technology and want to be a part of it.

Jordan G. Garner

Source: Udemy Blog

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