
Monday, June 23, 2014

Don't use Invention Assistance Companies until you check the PTO

Short Post: 

There are a lot of entities out there that want to help you get your idea off the ground. From venture capital firms, to Kickstarter, to your cousin's Persian rug connection, there are people well placed who want to see your idea succeed and share in the profits.  
There is nothing wrong with bringing a few fellow travelers along with you for the ride. In fact it is good practice to have a couple more heads to put together when the going gets tough. 

One group that does not have your best interest at heart are "Invention Assistance" companies.  You seen the ads on late night T.V. They will help you patent, market, and sell you idea to major companies! 

Why go to a moldy patent attorney who has ethical obligations?  Hitch your wagon to a business that knows what good ideas look like, and will escort you through the process from conception to showers of riches.  </sarcasm>

While it is entirely possible that these companies do help the odd inventor. It is much more likely you will exit the process will poorer, both in terms of actual money and patent rights. 

We could walk through all the way that Invention assistance companies upbraid your future patent having happiness, but the Patent Office has already compiled a list of complaints as depressing as they are informative.   

Here is an excerpt of a complaint sent to the PTO regarding an Invention Assistance Company: 

Name of mass media invention promoter advertised in:  Mail Advertisement
Invention promotion service offered to be performed:  To market and license my invention.
Explanation of complaint between customer and invention promoter: 
I am filing a complaint against this company.  I paid them $25,270.00 completed last payment May 2011.  On November 6, 2012, received a letter they closed their business so I got ripped off.  In year 2007, I lost $5527 – to another companyXXXX., XXXX, XXXX, XX 07004.  That makes it (two) almost $31,000.  How can I trust anyone to market and license my invention.  I don’t’ have the money anymore. I research on the website on the XXXX before paying any money.  Who are the trusted companies who will follow through and assist new inventors?  These companies had a bad reputation with the BBB and FTC.  What am I doing wrong?  What do I look out for?  I need help to get my money back and market my invention.

You can read all the complaints for various Invention assistance Firms, here
Patent Lawyers, and law firms in general, will not assist you in taking your idea to market. That is generally a task best left for yourself.  However, if you must use a company to help you, understand what you are getting yourself into. 
More importantly, check the company out, and due your due diligence. It is not enough to review the BBB, but check the PTO, and the FTC. If your idea is worth thousands of dollars, then it is worth the time to make sure you are protecting it right. 
Jordan Garner 

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