
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Knowledge Black Out due to SOPA

Both Wikipedia and Reddit (sources of countless knowledge and time wasting - not necessarily in that order) are down today in support of efforts to restrict or modify H.R.3261 "Stop Online Piracy Act" and S.968 "PROTECT IP".  As a practitioner of IP, I know first hand the dangers and hardship that IP theft and infringement bring.  Not only do major corporations spend a lot of valuable resources and time developing IP, solo, start-up and small business also have their economic viability tied to protection of their IP.  

That being said, Congresses' attempt to "help" will do more harm than good. What the IP regime needs is a review of what the theory is behind the protection of IP.  Is is a moral right, as the Europeans have sometimes argued, or is it a economic one, which can be traded and modified in the democracy of ideas for a compromise that enhances overall prosperity? Unfortunately, the Acts, as presented appear to be focused on the narrow concerns of the few, without even recognizing the concerns of the many. Both bills should be removed and rethought, crafted with the input of not only the multinational, or "free copyright" campers, but with the knowledge that many small business need the law to be both clear and fair.  What isn't needed in Congress fighting rear guard actions for failing business models. 

If you want to know more, I suggest you check our the EFF and their specific coverage of this issue. 

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