
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

IPT Patents is a Patent Scam Company [Scam Alert]

In keeping with a general theme on this blog, we have uncovered another International Patent Scam service.

IPT ( is sending out letters, a copy if which is reproduced below, that claims that they are a "Registration of International Patents" Office.

My second rule of Scam-club (the first is that you always talk about Scammers) is that you never trust any documents coming from a P.O. Box in  eastern Europe.  For that matter, I wouldn't send money to P.O. Box in Jersey based on an unsolicited letter.

Don't fall for these scams. If you want to file for a patent in a number of countries, you will always save more money by hiring an IP attorney to help walk you the mine-field.  Otherwise, you are easy pickings for the IPT's of the world.

Add them to the list:

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