
Friday, December 27, 2013 [Scam Alert]

Just a quick note about IP scams. Recently, a client sent me a document which claimed to be from a patent database provider. They were offering to publish the client's PCT application in their publicly accessible database. All they wanted in return was 2600.00 USD. and companies like them make money based on the lack of information surrounding patents, publications and international filings. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) already publishes the applications. It is part of the outrageous fee you paid them about 18 months prior.

Safe to say, the only international authority you should pay (assuming you have filed a PCT application and done so pro-se is the national receiving office of the PCT.  This will be a reputable organization, like the USPTO located in Washington or the EPO located in Brussels. It will not be a nondescript drop box in Bratislava. 

Hopefully, if on one falls for their scams, they will move on to other, less low hanging fruit.

1 comment:

  1. Ehrm. The EPO is in Munich and the Hague, not in Brussels... But thanks for highlighting the scam issue.
