
Sunday, January 12, 2014

[Scam Alert]

Unlike intros to songs featuring Jay-Z, this is not a "new watch" alert but a a [New Scam] alert. However, much like the rap impresario, I come to tell you tales of The Hustle.

Much in the same way that modern hip-hop reinterprets the classic Greek tragedy, IP scammers seek the remix of old strategies.
Before the Internet, IP scammers must have had it made.  All that was needed was an official looking document and an Eastern European P.O. Box. Presto, cash in bank.

Now, in order to have a credible shot at committing fraud, IP scammers have resulted to professional looking webpages, and even more official looking documents.

I find to be particularly innovative in this respect. They use a web URL that is surprisingly homologous to the USPTO. That off-set  P grabs you, roping in those who are vaguely aware of the existence of the USPTO, PCT and EPO. Add in the .Org and it all looks so plausibly above board.

However, the briefest reviews shows that once again, those eastern European O.P. boxes are behind the scenes. Looking to collect your checks (and god forbid,) your credit card number.

Safe to say that is a scam. Do not give them your money. Add them to the List.

Jordan Garner

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