
Friday, August 30, 2013

Flat Design and the Decline of the GUI Design Patent

 With the advent of IOS7, Apple has joined Microsoft (Metro) and Google (Now) in putting to rest (for the time being) digital skeuomorphic designs. While a good thing for designers who like clean lines, it might complicate future GUI Design Patent Strategies.

A quick primer, digital skeuomorphic design elements are when the interface or the icon is designed such that it looks like the physical world object that it is designed to digitally replicate. For example, the bookshelf in Ibook, is digital skeuomorphic design. There is no reason that a digital container of book files needs to look like a bookshelf; other than to relate to you, the user, what is the purpose of the digital program. Additionally, buttons with dropped shadows, or clever isometric representations of objects within the icon space, are all examples of digital skeuomorphic design.

However, with the advent of flat design across the three major mobile development platforms, things like icons designed to look like bookcases is going to be a thing of the past. Flat design, like its "Modernism" architectural equivalent is premised of reducing the ostentation ornamentation. In the same way that neo-Gothic architecture like this gave way to boxy simplicity of like this, so too does flat design trend to simple geometric forms and a studied lack of ostentation and ornamentation.

Part of this change has been led by a difference in attitudes regarding the purpose of the GUI in the first place.  Digital skeuomorphic designs were originally used to help people with no inherent knowledge of the inner workings of computers to easily map real world actions to digital ones. A digital file was made to look like a physical office file. A digital delete function was made to look like a trash can, etc. Now, with at least two generations of American consumers raised on digital entertainment, there is less of a need to visually explain the functions of each icon. It is simply enough, in most instances, to state its function and designate an area for the user to interact with that function.
lots of rectangles, no shadows 

GUIs, flat or not, can be protected by design patents. In 1996, the USPTO created guidelines for the protection of GUIs based on its decision in Ex Parte Strijland.  GUI design or surface ornamentation is protectable as long as it is shown to be novel, not obvious, and not functional. The claimed design may be presented as a line drawing or a digital image. Color and grayscale are allowed to be presented in the same GUI application, but line drawings and digital images are not. Animated designs are also patentable in the United States, and must show a minimum of two views of the animation. 

This is all a long winded intro into the point. Of the recent victories that Apple has achieved against Samsung, Apple succeeded in proving that Samsung had copied a design patented GUI (seen at left). As you will note,  this Apple design is chock full of skeuomorphic elements. This includes not only the icons themselves, but their placement, the shape of the icons, their slightly beveled appearance etc.

However, by moving to a flat design paradigm, Apple and its competitors are moving into a field whose sole purpose is to simplify the display elements, not add ornamentation. As noted above, design patents mush have a non-functional use, and must be directly related to the ornamentation. If flat design takes hold, it will be increasingly difficult for designers to obtain protection for flat designs as they  essentially become functional identifiers for computer tasks. As a result, we are going to see a lot of convergent design elements that people will accuse other people of stealing, but no one will be able to obtain a patent on.

As a result, it is preferable to augment your GUI design patent strategy with a screen shot copyright strategy. This way, if it is an instance of blatant copying, you are still protected by an enforceable IP right.

Jordan Garner

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Scammers Part 3 "Astro Boy" edition

Reporting on scams has become something of a tradition around here. In order to pull off a good con, the scam artist needs to know something about the psychology of its mark.

 It does the con-artist no good to offer to split a giant pile of bacon with a vegan (however delicious that concepts sounds). 
So to, do IP scammers know their audience. 

While not a new scam, the following letter was recently received in our offices: 

From: Osamu Tezuka Makoto []

Sent: July 30, 2013 1:11 PM
To: Firm
Subject: Legal Rep

Dear Attorney,
We are a media publishing company in Japan. We have a breach of intellectual property agreement matter in your jurisdiction, we can forward you the agreement and 5195842743_2305>
Yours Sincerely,
Osamu Tezuka Makoto
Tezuka Production Company
4-32-11, Takadanobaba
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-075
Tel: +81333716411
After some further digging the "client" told us that :
"We are  the owner of rights in a collection of animated characters including Astro Boy.  Springer Publishing of New York City failed to make a required payment upon termination of an intellectual property agreement between the us ."  
On its face, it seams like a golden opportunity  You, sitting in your office, business development book out to the "how to attract clients" chapter, gets this e-mail. You think, "sweet!" all that networking is paying off. Not only with new clients, but internationally famous IP clients. You do some due diligence, both the company, the IP and the opposing party seem legit.  Or do they. Why would a production company trading in a famous brand like Astro Boy communicate with a gmail address. Why would they contact you out of the blue, with no preface or introduction. Why call you "attorney"? 
The details of how this scam plays out differ from mark to mark, but the concept is pretty simple. Tezuka and Sterling (even though these are real valid companies) are setups, honey pots. You are supposed to Google them, see they are real, and rub your hands together in expectation of easy and significant billings. 
In reality, the contact info above, and the contact info they give you for the point of contact at "Sterling" are to the same entity. Once you negotiate a settlement, with a hefty retainer for your trouble, the money gets transferred to your firms' bank-account by a very slow validating banking institution. 
Because the client and the opposing counsel are the same entity, they know when the "money" was transferred  You, the successful hard litigating, hard negotiating lawyer, soon gets a call from the grateful client asking you to forward the money, minus your fees, of course. 
Now, some attorneys will wait until the check has fully cleared before sending on the money. Some will resist, until the client mentions that there are other people who owe them money, and they would like to retain you for future matters.  Either way, some lawyers will send a check, secure in the knowledge that the money in is the bank. 

The problem is, that the money isn't in the bank.  That slow moving bank transfer suddenly shows up as a cancelled check. Now the firm is out some hundreds of thousands of dollars. When you call Sterling and Tezuka, neither of them have ever heard of you. They have their own lawyers, who are you? You have to go to the Executive Committee and explain why you gave away the farm for some magic beans.  
You, my friend, have been scammed. Something for nothing is usually that...