
Friday, March 15, 2013

Last days of First to Invent System

This is a short post, and probably should have been done before now, however Life! Today is the last day to file a U.S. Patent Application under the 1st Inventor system that we have used for 200 Years. Starting Monday, the U.S. (in harmonization with the rest of the developed world) will move to a First to File system. 
What does this mean. Well, probably nothing. However, if you are in a development race with another company, you should really think about filing today.  Now, in the U.S., it will be possible to be beaten to the patent office by a later inventor. 
So, if you have a provisional, or even a technical document, you should think about filing it before midnight. I could help you with that. It is easy to file a provisional and under the new rules (AIA) the cost is pretty modest for small companies. 

Next week starts a brave new world, or in Greek, an Apocalypse. 

Contact Jordan at:

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