
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Success Against Scammers

In a previous post , I discussed how to not get taken in by Trademark scammers. Well, I am happy to announce that Leason Ellis has taken the fight to the con-men and put at least one of them out of business.  In the consent decree, USA Trademark Enterprises ( a notorious scammer that preyed upon unsuspecting trademark applicants) agreed that:

Defendants warrant and represent that they made substantial sales and shipments of the Catalogue in the United States, including New York State, and have made good faith disclosure to Leason Ellis of financial records concerning such sales;
Defendants warrant and represent that, within fourteen (14) days of the Settlement Agreement separately entered into between Plaintiff and Defendants (the “Settlement Agreement”), they shall permanently discontinue marketing, selling, offering for sale, and distributing the Catalogue in the United States per the terms of the Settlement Agreement;
Defendants warrant and represent that, within fourteen (14) days of the Settlement Agreement, they shall never again conduct business in the United States in the field of trademarks or, more generally, in the field of intellectual property; and
USA Trademarks and its owners, officers, stockholders, employees, agents, servants, affiliates, subsidiaries, attorneys, and all other persons in active concert and participation with it, including Timea Csikos and Andras Nemeth, shall abide by the terms of this Consent Judgment.

I am quite proud of the work my firm has done in putting these scam artists out of business. Congratulations are in order.  You can read more about it here.